#10 - Big Bad Con Scholarship - Updates

This update is LONG DUE!!!!

First of all, I apologize for not being unable to update y’all earlier.

A lot of things happened including me getting a whopper flu that seems to have lasted a month and I am just getting better.

1 - I won’t make it to Big Bad Con this year!

The Big Bad Con organisation had some deadlines for me submitting all things including my visa, and I was unable to meet those.

The reason I say I won’t make it this year is because I am looking forward to applying for NEXT YEAR, which means I’ll likely have everything I need to be ready to travel even before the submission window opens again.

2 - So what about the fundraiser?

I closed the fundraiser as soon as it became clear I wasn’t gonna be able to meet the deadlines. Unfortunately I failed to notify people timely to let them know.

The itch fund raised a bit over $300 (WOW), which allowed me to get my passport and commute sorted, and I saved the remaining to fix further fees and procedures for the next step.

3 - So will you fundraise again?

Very unlikely. I am planning to have it all better organised with this much longer time window by then.

Besides, should I need to raise funds again, a friend told me a couple of weeks ago about this support fund to raise money for TTRPG creators in financial vulnerability to make it to cons. I’ll link it at the bottom.

4 - Well, what now?

Now, I make games. Moar games. But I’ll leave that talk to other updates. Suffice to say that I am producing Princess//Pain and Lua, plus I got some ideas in the drawer for the following projects.

5 - Links

  • Con or Bust: “Dream Foundry’s Con or Bust program makes direct cash grants to assist with travel, food, registration, and other expenses associated with attending industry events. If you’re a creator or fan of color with an opportunity you can’t afford, reach out! We also collect donated hotel and airline vouchers, convention memberships, and other non-cash items that could support you.”

  • Big Bad Con Scholarship Program: “Big Bad Con is committed to cultivating and supporting a spectacular and diverse gaming community. Part of the way we do that is by collecting donations to our scholarship program.

Our scholarship funds go towards helping women, people of color, disabled, and lgbtqia+ individuals attend the con. We use it to cover hotel rooms ($139+/night), convention badges ($75), and help with other fees. Depending on the number of applicants, we may be able cover full or partial costs.”

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