#09 - Babe, I'm going to California! (with your help)

Hey, peeps!


Hey, peeps!

That's right, I got the good news aboiut a month ago and have been doing preparations.

Big Bad Con has a Scholarship Program for  women, people of color, disabled, and lgbtqia+ individuals, and I got a spot!

I need to get my shit together, esopecially papers and visa, but also I need some financial aid to be able to make there healthily.

the Scholarship Program takes care of my hotel and travel expenses, but I need to eat, clothe and account for the days I'll be unable to work due to the travel and travel preparations.

Therefore, I started a crowdfunding campaign to allow my going there.

Get Gabe to the Big Bad Con in California - Bundle + Ko-Fi

There are 2 main ways for people to help me get there: purchasing the bundle for $45 here on itch, or, alternatively, making direct donations through Ko-Fi.

For people in Brazil there is also the PIX option:

chave: bf860ba8-29be-4bc3-9628-04bd5ab773e6

Other Ways to Support!

Sharing and inviting people to help is a GREAT way to support me!

Also, I am a GM for hire! You can hire me to run Masks, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Wanderhome and a bunch of other cool indie games. Hit me up on Twitter and let's get set up!

Thank you!

Thanks for all of the help and support! And if you are around and want to catch up, hit me up on 

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