#06 - A long, overdue thank you post + updates

Thank you!

First things first, thank you all so much for contributing somehow with the Bundle to get a Break from the Grind.

It really meant a lot to know that so many people were willing to contribute with so much, money or otherwise.

It gave me a small break from things, which I needed.

So what about the pre-releases in the bundle, huh?

The list of games to be finished in the bundle is short: only five games. Some of them are partially or mostly written but some need more work.

I kinda got back into the fantasypunk writing spree and I gotta rid of my hyperfocus to work on something else, but that should be done shortly.

fantasypunk quickstart

Writing fantasypunk, as I said before, has been a long learning process. It is a labour of love and I am glad I took it although sometimes I'm like WHYYYYY

But on the other I love it and I am enjoying the process (even though sometimes it feels a bit backwards) and


so yeah,

Faerie Gardens

One of the games in the bundle was submitted to the Mock Cover Jam 2: Rituals & Folklore, and I picked a pretty pretty cover for it!

This game's main procedure is a hack of Slow Fire by Rúnica Games, and I realized that I want to make a web version of it using Write Skyscrapers by Speak the Sky, because at least in my mind, it would make online play a breeze plus it's neat.


So that's it mostly off the top of my head? I am quite certain I forgot something important but I'll remember it later in a very inconvenient time.

Thanks for sticking around!

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