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If I take a community copy is there a way to pay you for it later when I'm more financially secure?

I somehow missed this comment! Well, if you hit buy game or hit the community copies button again you are given the opportunity to make a donation.

Otherwise I suggest you buy anything made by the RPGLatAm community :)

I have taken advantage of a free community copy but haven't downloaded it yet because I don't know what impact it will have if my profile is associated with "anti-power fantasy". Does the term appear anywhere in my profile? Does it affect my further operations at

I have no idea what any of this means

(1 edit)

The following sentences appear directly before the download: "You claimed this anti-power fantasy [...] with Free Community Copies. This page is linked to [my] account." What does that mean?

It means that now you have a game from your community copy is all. When you get games from community copies you are claiming a copy for yourself.

Okay, thanks for the explanation, I understand it now.

No problem! Let me know if you have further questions.

This game is part of the RPGLatAm Collection!


This looks great! Can't wait to find some time to start reading through

Thank you! Please leave some feedback if you have the chance too :)

took me forever but there is an update! check it out if you have the time!