A downloadable anti-power fantasy

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more
There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen

This is a game about complex, troubled, wondrous, and broken people. The people who create problems and who solve problems, and about how often both are the same people.

No one can guarantee that the rough-edged and jaded stories told here won't be, in time, worn down by the tongues of storytellers into shapes perfectly smooth, rounded, and solid; that the people we care about here won't be turned into paragons of strength, wisdom, or virtue who always seem to figure out what to do, or always get the specific help they need when they get stuck.

But until then, let's look at what burdens those complex, troubled, wondrous, and broken people carry, and how they crack under their weight.

What is fantasypunk?

fantasypunk is a narrative game of incredible and fallible characters, the way they approach the world around them, and the burdens they carry.

Together we will weave tales of wanderers, travelers, the found and the lost, the seekers and the runaways, the people they meet, the friends they make along the way, and that change and are changed by them.

To play fantasypunk you'll need:

- a player to be the giramundo, or GM, a kind of host and guide for the game;
- a group of 2 to 5 players to be the Party Companions: the PCs;
- at least one six-sided die (d6), although at 5 or 6 of them is better;
- writing materials, analog or digital, whatever;
- and the basic rules for this game as a reference;
- about 3 or 4 hours to play together: have breaks when necessary;
- a safe, welcoming, comfortable environment to play, physically or online;
- an agreement on safety tools, tone, and expectations for each session you play.

If you are looking for a hypercapitalist murder-pillage power fantasy game, this is not it; there are incredible games out there that examine those fantasies, offering us different perspectives on them.

Alternatively, there's that racist dragon game of colonization and gentrification owned by white billionaires.

If you choose to be a bigot, a racist, a fascist, or a nazi, a zionist, do everyone a favour, crawl back into the slimy pit you crawled out from, and stay away from anything I make. After all, the real monsters are those who choose to be and remain monstrous.

Contents & Credits

The quickstart includes:
- a one-sheet booklet with the rules for basic play
Goals for the final release (subject to change):
- 18 Backgrounds with random tables and flavourful descriptions;
- 36 Special Moves;
- Pointcralw/Hexcrawl Generator;
- A challenge system; A system for delving through tight situations;
- A starter adventure designed to ease GMs and PCs into the rules.
Credits and Attribution
- games: dungeonpunk, dungeons & direct action, lasers & feelings;
- the wanderhome unofficial server, the braintrust server, the RPGLatam server;
- the Bakers for Apocalypse World and all the ways we can hack it;
License: fantasypunk is under the Anti-Capitalist Attribution Cooperative License. you are free to hack, modify, reference, copy-paste, and more as long as you give proper credit and you agree that punching a fascist is always the morally correct choice.


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this anti-power fantasy you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

fantasypunk quickstart Canva template

Community Copies and Contribution Accessibility

Support this anti-power fantasy at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

Free Community Copies

community copies are available for free for people from the Global South, and/or the LGBTQIA+ and BIMPoC communities who cannot afford any contribution due to issues such as a currency or financial vulnerability.

there will always be community copies available (if by any chance I forget to renew the pool, drop a comment).

if you have taken a community copy from the pool, consider taking a moment to leave a helpful review, feedback about the game, or a 5-star rating to help boost the game's visibility.

PIX Contributions for Brazil

if you are in Brazil and you want to contribute something, from 1 cent to a million bucks, but you are paywalled by not having a credit card, access to PayPal, or because of currency exchange, you can leave me a direct contribution through PIX using this key:


or the QR Code below:


Download demo

fantasypunk Web Version (old)
fantasypunk-quickstart-print.pdf 432 kB
fantasypunk-quickstart-screen.pdf 370 kB
Anti-Capitalist Attribution Cooperative License.txt 14 kB
fantasypunk quickstart - spreads 516 kB

Development log

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If I take a community copy is there a way to pay you for it later when I'm more financially secure?

I somehow missed this comment! Well, if you hit buy game or hit the community copies button again you are given the opportunity to make a donation.

Otherwise I suggest you buy anything made by the RPGLatAm community :)

I have taken advantage of a free community copy but haven't downloaded it yet because I don't know what impact it will have if my profile is associated with "anti-power fantasy". Does the term appear anywhere in my profile? Does it affect my further operations at itch.io?

I have no idea what any of this means

(1 edit)

The following sentences appear directly before the download: "You claimed this anti-power fantasy [...] with Free Community Copies. This page is linked to [my] account." What does that mean?

It means that now you have a game from your community copy is all. When you get games from community copies you are claiming a copy for yourself.

Okay, thanks for the explanation, I understand it now.

No problem! Let me know if you have further questions.

This game is part of the RPGLatAm Collection!


This looks great! Can't wait to find some time to start reading through

Thank you! Please leave some feedback if you have the chance too :)

took me forever but there is an update! check it out if you have the time!